Stand and Orchard Information
Orchard Stand Opens August 15
Daily hours are 9:30-5:30
The 2024 prices are: 1/2 peck (about 5 lbs)$13, 1 peck (about 10 lbs,)$24,
1/2 bushel (about 20 lbs)$40
To minimize time at the points of check-in and checkout, we are asking you to only use our bags as we will not be weighing each bag. At busy times especially, to minimize congestion at the stand we will be handing out or selling bags out front. We'll give you walking directions to whatever is ready at the time.
We request that you do what you can to minimize knocking fruit off as we have limited uses for the drops (our cider is made from tree picked apples).
A tip for children: tip the apple up and slightly twist-it comes off easier than pulling it down, and then place it in your bag as if it is an egg.
For pre-picked apples, baked goods, honey, etc.,
We are open rain or shine.
Pets are not allowed in the orchard per order of the health department. Please leave Fido at home.
We do what we can to minimize hazards, but we are in the country, so come prepared for sun, insects, and possible poison ivy (sandals and flip flops not recommended)! Do a tick check after picking too.
Please call us to make an order ahead of time if you need large quantities of pies, donuts, etc.
At this time, we cannot offer fruit shipping, but you can send them yourself with the USPS flat rate boxes.
We count on parents to supervise their children. We work hard to provide you with the best fruit that can be sustainably grown. Please show your respect by not throwing apples, climbing trees, or leaving your trash behind.
See you soon!